
Thursday, 28 June 2012

Would appreciate it if you could read this.

Iyaaaaaaaa beautifuls!
Us owners (@haaatie and @rachiieperry) as you may know, Have made this blog, Plus a youtube channel and a Richard Wisker fan account on twitter. We've also made a back-up Richard Wisker fan account too. If you would like to follow that it's: @SupportingRW_. We made it incase our orignal account got disabled for whatever reason again.
Anyway, I'm making this blog to let you know what our youtube account is. It's: We would literally appreciate it so much if you could Like, Subscribe and Rate it. But manily Subsrcibe, if you could it would be amazing! We've already done a video on there which @rachiiperry had made for the first ever video on there! We'll be doing more on there soon once we get more ideas together! TWEET US IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS.

Also, This blog. We've had it a while now, Not done many blogs yet but were updating it as much as possible! But I just wanted to say THANKYOU to all the viewers who have read them so far because we have now had over 160 viewers on here! Some from the USA and even Germany and all over the UK. It's amazing so thank you!

So keep doing what you're doing, Subscribing our youtube channel, Viewing our blog, Following our twitters! Thank you so much! #wiskerettes. Please share them all around!

Fan Accounts:@SupportingRW (Our orginal account)
@SupportingRW_ (Our backup account)

And that's it from us! So thank you once again!
Please share this around if possible!

Lots of Love,

Hattie and Rach!

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